Friday, February 6, 2009


Hey... what am I doing on Blogspot?!

I used to maintain my own website...
on my own server...
that I built...
all by myself...
and kept running...
and had to maintain...
and had total freedom with...
and had to maintain...

Oh yeah, the maintenance thing.


It has finally driven me over the edge. I'm tired of upgrading software, applying security patches, dealing with internet connectivity issues, and all that stuff. So here I am...

...on Blogspot.

Yes, that means most of our old posts are no longer accessible.

Yes, that means you have to look at a fairly generic template for now.

Yes, that means the URL is harder to remember, at least for now.

But look at the upside - with less maintenance to do, I can spend more time on actually posting.

Or at least, that's the idea...



Colored With Memories said...

i bet you'll like blogger...we've been on it for 18 months now. i can't imagine maintaining our own website... has some fun free templates if you want to dress it up.