Thursday, October 10, 2002

Happy Anniversary!

Cue the orchestra, set off the fireworks, and uncork the champagne...

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the day Amy and I were wed. While four years may not seem much to some, we're still thrilled she's not in Buffalo, NY, with our contact limited to telephone calls! Each and every day of the last four years (with the exception of those three months when Amy had to go back to Buffalo to finish Medical School) has been wonderful and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Each day brings new discoveries, challenges, and triumphs, and each day I fall more deeply in love with my wife.

Happy Anniversary, my beloved. And here's to four (and forty) more years!


Amy said...

Well, I could never upstage you, Rollin ... so this will be a small thank you with bigger ones to come. You have made my life more enjoyable than I could have imagined - and you're still incredibly cute and really really REALLY really really REALLY good looking! :)

Poffs in Paradise said...

Sure is lots of mushy stuff online!

Happy Anniversary you two love birds!!